Human deaths in the U.S. caused by Animals

If you try to pet a grizzly bear, of pick up a rattle snake, you are not only likely to be attacked, but you are very stupid. Animals are defensive of their homes, and are much more likely to attack if they feel threatened.

Animals that didn’t make the list

Mosquito’s are widely regarded as the most deadly creature on the planet, killing an estimated 3 million people per year, but the mosquito is not the real killer. Malaria is a parasite carried by mosquito’s. Micro-agents such as parasites, viruses, and bacteria are alive and kill millions of humans, but they are not included on this list. Humans are the most deadly animals on the planet. They are also excluded from the list.

Deer can kill people directly, but auto accidents caused by deer kill 130 people per year. Since the deer did not directly kill the person, this is an auto related accidental death.

Poisoning deaths

Bee stings are the largest killer of humans in the U.S. directly caused by animals. An allergic reaction to the venom is bee’s kills 53 people per year. This number is increasing every year due to the aggressive African honey bee that is taking over in Texas.

The Black Widow and Brown Recluse spiders kill 6.5 people per year. They are usually young children that do not get medical attention right away.

Rattlesnakes carry venom that kill 5.5 people per year. Rattlesnake attacks are always defensive. Most rattlesnake related deaths are males between 17 and 27. Alcohol is usually involved which facilitates the venom. I picture a drunk kid on a camping trip trying to mess with the snake, then not seeking medical attention immediately.

Scorpion and centipedes are responsible for 1 death every two years on average. This is due to their remote habitat and inadequate medical care.

Predatory attacks.

Sharks, alligators, and mountain lions are the only U.S. predators that hunt humans in the wild.

The most feared animal is without a doubt the Shark. The Jaws craze has sent a wave of fear across America for the past quarter century. In reality, less that 1 person per year is killed by a shark in the U.S. Hawaii, California, and Florida are the most likely places to be attacked.

While Jaws is purely fictional, two true stories of shark attacks continue to haunt us. 1912 New Jersey attacks killed 5 people over a course of a week. The most amazing thing was that the bull shark responsible for the attacks, traveled up a river and attacked people swimming in a creek 5 miles from the ocean. The other story was actually told in Jaws. The USS Indianapolis was sank in WWII and the survivors were picked off one by one over the next four days by Oceanic White Tip sharks in the open ocean. Of the 900 sailors in the ocean all but 317 were killed.

Mountain Lions are by far the most dangerous land predator in the U.S. While deaths are extremely rare (1 per year) the thought of being stalked, killed, and eaten is horrific. Alligators in Florida have killed 18 people in the last 60 years. The attacks have been increasing in recent years. This increase is attributed to human encroachment into the alligators habitat. Many attacks occur on golf courses, which have been built over drained everglades.

Bear attacks are almost always defensive. Alaska and Yellowstone National Park are the only places in the U.S. where fatal bear attacks usually occur. Grizzly bears are not interested in humans for food except in late fall before hibernation. Less than 1 fatality per year is due to bear attacks.

Pet attacks

Pet dogs account for 31 deaths per year in the U.S. The Pit Bull is not a recognized breed of dog. There are many mutts that resemble the pit bull that kill people, so classification is difficult. The Pit bull variety is by far the largest killer of humans, followed by Rottweiler’s and Husky’s. Dozens of different breeds can kill people. Basset Hounds, Beagle’s, Dauschund’s, Labradors, and even Golden retrievers have killed humans.

Wolf deaths usually occur when people bring them home as pets. Three small children have been killed by pet wolves in the past 30 years. In the wild, there has not been a fatal wolf attack in the U.S. since 1888. (Two deaths have occurred in Canada in the past 10 years)

A 12 foot pet Burmese python recently strangled a 2 year old girl to death in Florida.

While it is rare for a python to kill a human, it can happen, so I included it on this list.

Non Native animal attacks

On rare occasions, attacks can occur at the Zoo, or circus. in 2007 a man was killed by a Tiger at the San Francisco Zoo. There have been a few deaths in the U.S. caused by elephants. The chance of dying from an elephant attack in the U.S. is almost impossible. However, elephants kill over 125 people per year mostly in Africa and India.

Riding accidents

This is a bit of a different category because the animals usually do not intend to cause injury or death. Rodeo, equestrian, and bull riding deaths occur infrequently related to how many people are exposed to these animals, but they do happen. An average of 20 people per year are killed in horse related accidents, and 3 people are killed by Bulls.

Average Number of Deaths per Year in the U.S

Bee/Wasp 53
Dogs 31
Spider 6.5
Rattlesnake 5.5
Mountain lion 1
Shark 1
Alligator 0.3
Bear 0.5
Scorpion 0.5
Centipede 0.5
Elephant 0.25
Wolf 0.1
Horse 20
Bull 3

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148 Responses to “Human deaths in the U.S. caused by Animals”

  1. David Barker Says:

    I study pythons, and I am not aware of any instance where a captive python has eaten or attempted to eat a human. Can you give me details of the “horrific account of a pet python killing and eating an infant son of the owner”? This is of great interest to me and important to the book I am writing. I can find no reference to any such instance except your mention. Any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated.


  2. Riley Campbell Says:


    They would be unable to do so, as such an occurance has NEVER happened.

    Unfortunately people have indeed been killed by large pythons, but not one bona fide documented case exists for having been eaten.

    The perception persists unfortunately through well meaning uninformed sources such as this, and blatant false accounts such as the one aired by National Geographic in its anaconda program.


  3. Jeff West Says:

    You really should edit this article to state the facts of that case. At no time did the python “eat the infant son of the owner” in fact the very article that you posted says nothing to that effect. Plus since when is a 2 year old daughter an “infant son”?

  4. BP Says:

    I love animals and they are never to blame for human deaths. Sometimes unavoidable accidents occur, and sometimes unaware people put themselves in danger. The objective of this article is to make people aware of potential danger and not in any way an attack on the animals themselves.

  5. noway Says:

    Your spider statistics are not correct. There has never been a documented spider bite death.

  6. TheDorsalFin Says:

    Research into the USS Indianapolis concluded that a majority of those who survived the initial sinking died of exposure, not of shark attacks. While there were some shark attacks documented, there really isn’t a concrete number (or even a ballpark figure) of how many fatal attacks occurred.

    • BP Says:

      Ya, I know. I read an interview with a survivor and all he talked about was the sharks. Fear of being eaten by a Shark almost welcomes death of another kind. Imagine the horror they went through.

  7. Matthew sunseri Says:

    Yo this site is awesome! I love it!

    – Matt

  8. Dexter Says:

    I remember reading an article several years ago around christmas about an infant that was eaten by the pet snake while both parents slept. I dont reecall if I read this article from an online news source or an actual newspaper, but I read it. Just like you, I hav not been able to find that article.

    • Gary Says:

      I have heard about the article you are talking about ,but that was acctually a hoax. It is extremly hard for a snake of any size to swallow a human baby let alone and adult. The shoulders on humans pose a major problem for a snake. The only snake that is able to do the feat is the legendary Cobra Grande which is supposed to exceed lengths of 50+ feet. This snake is considered a myth as there has been no documentation of the snake species at all. There is no documented reports of a human being eatin by any type of snake anywhere.

      • Rick Says:

        Hey Gary 🙂 You are correct in that a grown man’s shoulders would typically thwart a python from swallowing him.
        That said, a ‘grown man’ in, say, Indonesia ( Home of some of the larger pythons)might very well be 5’2″ and barely exceed 100 pounds. That might work…..
        Besides, the subject is on humans being eaten, not necessarily adult male humans. A European or American adult male human might be six feet tall, 200 pounds, broad-shouldered and fully dressed and shod. He doesn’t ‘fit in’ with the local fauna at all, if you think about it. Contrast that with an indigenous 12 year old child who is barefoot, and wearing only a pair of shorts. He’s 4’8″ and weighs 80 lbs.
        I don’t suppose an adult of any of the larger pythons would have much trouble (A) viewing him as prey and (B) swallowing him. Fortunately, such occurences are quite rare.
        Bear in mind too that these things can happen and never be ‘properly documented’. Much of the habitat that contains the largest of these constrictors is hundreds of miles from what we might think of as ‘civilization’. No TV, no day to day news coverage etc. If a 12 year old is sent half a mile to fetch water and is never seen again…that’s all anyone really knows about it.
        As to the size the snake would have to be to eat a human, once it’s reached 15-20 feet in length, it’s completely plausible. Remember too, pythons can and do get quite a bit larger than that.
        As to documented reports of humans eaten by pythons, I have a few links:
        Do remember also that if it’s in a news story, it is in fact ‘documented’ ( the newspaper being the document)
        To separate an account as ‘factual’ it is necessary for the story to be ‘substantiated’. I found a ‘substantiated’ account
        in Indonesia from back in 1927. Here is that link:

        As you research, you will find a lot of repetiton of the same few accounts, simply because such incidents are so rare.
        Here’s most of them in one link:
        Bottom line: CAN a python swallow a human? Yes.
        It can and does happen when all the necessary circumstances are in place.
        DO pythons eat humans? Very, very rarely.

      • Michael Says:

        That is not true. There are several species of snake that grow large enough to kill and eat a human baby. Reticulated, Burmese, Indian, African Rock, Scrub Pythons and the Green Anaconda all can attain a size more than capable of swallowing a human baby. The take prey such as rabbits, goats, antelope, deer, dogs, cats, etc. They would have no problem killing and/or eating a child under 50 lbs or so

  9. Yes.. I am a vampire Says:

    Survival of the fittest, this is just making the human race stronger! GO ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

  10. peyton Says:

    how many car accidents happen each year because of animals?

  11. Kolby Says:

    I was going to share these statistics, but you didn’t include any sources.

    • BP Says:

      Judging by the controversy this post has created, I should have included some sources. Most of the numbers are averages and estimates based on searches through web articles. This is not a published report, just an estimate. Most articles I read site sources, which site other sources, etc. Trying to confirm every single source is a big circle.

  12. Jim Rodgers Says:

    Great estimates list.

    approximately 20 deaths caused by the Majestic Cougar in the last 120 years with in the USA border. One per year is a bit much!

    Humans, you are correct, cause more deaths or deliberately kill more people than any other living creature. We Homo sapiens should not be left out of any list of causes of deaths as we as a species are the most selfish, mean, and self centered species on the planet. 80% I would guess are afraid to co- exist with wildlife.

    I dare to say doctors kill more people than any animal species and so do criminals.

    Heck accidental car wrecks kill ore people than do animals and we are afraid of Cougars?????? They are the very best deer population control species and should be allowed to room free.


    • BP Says:

      I just used the last 10 years or so for the Cougar stats. I know that human death from Mountain Lions is extremely rare. Human develpoment expands into Mountain Lions territory and we build freeways to cut off their migration paths and hunting areas. Deer cross freeways and kill more people due to car accidents in one year than all Cougars in history. I am a huge supporter of animals and I love the Majestic Cougar.

    • alt_bob Says:

      Came accross this site while checking on the Mass. Bobcat attack – it was rabid – as discussing animal attack with friends.

      Mr. Rogers, some interesting observations. Your “afraid to co-exist” is sort-of-right as “we” did not understand the attachs, only the results and threat for a long time before realizing animals looking for easy food – say our sheep etc. and we often stepped in the way as our food and clothing, etc. But they are animals – their processing is food, shelter, and on schedule sex. Thus, I see some exceptin to “Drs kill more people’ as not as an action of defense or fighting for food in this context of your posting.
      The Majestic Cougar – I would think the only reason it has not killed more as “we man” sort of wiped them our “fear” and ignorance. But, expect we would control them quite closely due to their acecpting us as dinner and “hunting” us. I value wondering in the woods, but aware when in ‘gator and shark territories. And with our current “fear” of guns it will be bit more concern of the majestic cougar as they spread out. We will be easier (slower) food than deer. AS we created the deer population (so much food and love) that you think the cougar could be controling – how long to get cougars back in all states and how many humans should be allowed to die each year by cougars before and area can remove the threat?

    • Nigel Turner Says:

      “as a species are the most selfish, mean, and self centered species on the planet.” Not true! It is true that we are the most destructive creature on the planet, because we have tools and powerful technologies. But we are pretty much the only animal on the planet that actually cares about anything other than itself (dolphin’s might be another exception). Its unfortunately that we developed the technology to destroy before we developed the wisdom to use those technologies wisely.

    • Mistylee Says:

      Yet doctors save FAR FAR more lives than they take, so wouldn’t that put them in the negative? lol

  13. Rick Says:

    I gotta agree with the others….a number of your ‘facts’ are simply not
    factual. This is a good thing that you’re doing, but you’d do better to do your homework and make sure you’re reporting reliable and documented facts. As has been mentioned, it’s a good idea to provide your sources as well. The statement that ‘The Pit Bull is not a recognized breed of dog’ is laughable, and does little more than show that you are apparently not all that familiar with dog breeds. The UKC and the ADBA both register the American Pit Bull Terrier ( Which is ‘The Pit Bull’). The AKC version is called the American Staffordshire Terrier.
    Look it up….please….look SOMETHING up. I’d love to have you on file as a trustworthy source of information.

    • BP Says:

      I took several days researching this and everything was pulled off web sites and newspaper articles. I really wish I kept good notes on my sources, but I didn’t. I did keep this one site on Pit Bulls though.

      • brian H. Says:

        hi there i was just pondering the recent problem we are encountering with our beloved and much needed bee population and i became interested in finding out the number of bee deaths this year as opposed to lets say the last 5 Yrs. for commparison i did a search online and your post was the only thing that came even close to what i was looking for and it seems like you might have a better idea about where to look for that particular info.

  14. J-Mann Says:

    There is a close, if not inextricable, interrelationship between fatalities caused by dogs and the human training/upbringing leading to an animal’s abiding attitudes. A dog’s pack instinct, surely a survival instinct, is to determine its role, most often dictated by the alpha animal. It then adheres to that role with unwavering dedication – and even ferocity.

    This instinct is ultimately apparent in the case of pit bulls, one of the brightest of dogs — and absolutely dedicated to performing the wishes and commands of their alpha owners, including sick owners using them as protection for illegal drug trading or for dog fighting.

    Every pit bull I’ve owned has shown a seemingly genetic propensity to be, first and foremost, friendly to a fault, even to other creatures. However, this innate trait is readily backburnered in a pit bull’s absolute – truly blind — dedication to master. Pit bulls take on the personality of their owners.

    This invites the larger quasi-philosophical question of nurture versus nature. In this case, that marries into the concept that mankind is instinctively aggressive, even deadly. This is intimately gerund to the issue of whether dogs kill people or, as is more often the case, death by dogs is yet another example of people killing people – albeit it in a profoundly vicarious manner.

  15. Liliana Says:

    Thanks for making this blog is very helpful. I nod at people’s ignorance on how ungrateful they can be. Whatever leads someone to take time to make these statements must have a good reason, others argue because they’ve never done research. I’ve been researching this subject for a long time. First of, if you have kids, you’re not supposed to have dangerous animals under the same roof. You should have a garage, a greenhouse away from the home, otherwise DON’T have these animals where there are young kids. In your home, you secure the animals every day, but who is to say the animal wont become free at an unfortunate moment? Second, snakes are reptiles who are incapable of having any meaningful feelings; if they are hungry they’ll eat, when they feel fear they’ll attack; there is no variations to that that’s the way it is. Why would anyone have an animal that CAN’T love them is beyond me. Having a pet (like a hamster) that wont love me is not as bad when I know it wont kill me while I’m asleep. Now, most people don’t know how deadly dogs can be, and those that do it’s because they’ve done the homework. Several years ago 50 deaths per year were very much accurate, that number has gone down dramatically thanks to amazing sources like this one in the web. That doesn’t take away from the fact that the deadliest animal is man. Unfortunately, even though they’re supposed to know better. Check these sources for killers dogs, I might post later with my findings for other animals, but hopefully this will be a good eye opener for some naive dog owners. If you want a loyal dog that wont attack you or your child, invest in a good dog training program. I am determined to get a dog (I love them, they’re beautiful and loyal animals) but not until I can afford a reliable trainer.

    • Travis Knucklewalker Says:

      “.. snakes are reptiles who are incapable of having any meaningful feelings; if they are hungry they’ll eat, when they feel fear they’ll attack; there is no variations to that that’s the way it is. Why would anyone have an animal that CAN’T love them is beyond me.”

      “Love” from an animal, if it can be said that animals are capable of “love”, as we experience it, is a debatable phenomenon. Dogs are hard-wired to pack loyalty. I am not sure that equates to “love”. That said, why would anyone find it desirable to be “loved” by an animal that is not capable of not “loving” it’s alpha? That type of “love” certainly is not warranted by the owner, so it is not a reflection of any “lovable” or desirable and worthy qualities of the owner. After all, we have all seen how dogs love owners totally undeserving of love. I am sure Hitlers german shepherds “loved” even him.

      I have lots of reptiles. I never expected any of them to “love” me. It was never about what they think of me. My preference for certain types of animals is all about what I think of them. And no, Liliana, I have no children to harass and endanger my reptiles. I never had children and never could stand the damn things! They may make good chew toys for pit bulls, but I cant imagine what else they are good for, or why anyone would ever want any. I am not much for dogs, either. If I wanted something to follow me around 24/7, breathe heavy and pant in my ear, and make endless slurping and crunching noises when feeding, “love” me, and then give me reproachful looks, sulk, and make me feel guilty for going out on my own and staying out all night, I could just find some woman to marry. At least a woman would be at work all day and bring some money into the household.

  16. AMS254/EVST254 Cultures of Nature » Animals in the Media Says:

    […] this prompted me to search for animals we should fear statistically. On my search I found this article which states “The most feared animal is without a doubt the Shark. The Jaws craze […]

  17. Neighbors Vs. Pitbull - Page 3 - Southern Maryland Community Forums Says:

    […] […]

  18. Libby Baldwin Says:

    I seen on the news about an infant that was choked by a python. The snake had gotten out of its cage in the night and the father woke and came in the baby’s room and tried to get the snake off… he was able to finally get the snake off but the child was already dead.

    I also seen on the dicovery channel where a grown man was choked to death by his bermise python. He had accidentally fallen and was bleeding and the snake wrapped around his neck. It was found the snake was underfed and his death was the snake mistaking him for dinner.

    • Darlene Says:

      I have heard both stories of these python deaths. Me being a reptile keeper and having large constrictors, it was in fact both owners fault that those ” attacks ” happened. with the childs death it was the parents fault because they did not have the snake in the proper enclosoure and it got out of it’s cage more then once or twice. also the snake was underfed and under weight by alot. but the snake did NOT eat the child as some are trying to say. with the case of the man being killed by his burmese python, he was drunk, hit his head as going into the enclosoure was bleeding and fell to the ground as he did so his underfed hungry python saw dinner, as would any hungry animal. in both cases it’ was the owners fault not the animal!! but lets blame the pythons and ban them because of stupid ignorant people.

      • Phil wyatt Says:

        It is indeed, stupid ignorant people like you, who insist on keeping wild animals, with peanut sized brains, that can therefore never really be declared tame, that have caused the ongoing everglades problem!

    • Carrie Says:

      “It is indeed, stupid ignorant people like you, who insist on keeping wild animals, with peanut sized brains, that can therefore never really be declared tame, that have caused the ongoing everglades problem!”

      The damage pythons have caused in the everglades pales in comparison to the damage pet cat to the environment. Cats kill billions of native birds. Even dogs are bad for the environment, with many of our water sources being polluted by dog feces from the millions of poor dog owners out there who are incapable of cleaning up after their pet..

      Dogs also send half a million people to the ER every year.

      I guess dog and cat owners must be ignorant too.

      Also, tameness has nothing to do with brain size. I’d rather be locked in a room with a wild red tail boa than a stray german shepherd or bull, both domesticated animals with brains larger than snakes, yet also more likely to brutally kill you.

      This sudden public concern over the everglades due to invasive wildlife is all crocodile tears. Feral cats have been endangering Florida wildlife for decades, and TNR groups have protested the eradication of the offending felines.

      Should they be in the everglades? No. I don’t care if people exterminate them. i just find it hypocritical that people are fine with loose cats killing everything in sight, yet when a snake does it suddenly it becomes unacceptable.

  19. is loxahatchee waterway fresh or salt water - Fort Lauderdale area - Florida (FL) -Broward County - Page 2 - City-Data Forum Says:

    […] […]

  20. Rick Says:

    Wow…same day response…thanks BP 🙂
    I musta missed the email alert, or I’d have responded in a more timely fashion.
    Got an alert today, though…so it’s all good. 🙂 I can only imagine that some group has decided that it’s best (for whatever reason or agenda) to promote the notion that ‘the pit bull is not a recognized breed’. In truth, at this point, we’re basically only arguing Dr. Polski’s statements against mine. There is in fact a wealth of history on the American Pit Bull Terrier…which is the breed in question when we correctly cite a dog as a ‘Pit Bull’. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier has been quoted as the original ‘Half and Half ( Bull & terrier).
    These were restricted in size by the rules of their registery to not more than…38 pounds as I recall. Those who needed/wanted/bred for larger sizes ( such as early colonists) were unable to register their dogs as Staffy Bulls and so
    was born the dog that was to become known as the American Pit Bull Terrier.
    The APBT was primarily a fighting dog with side uses as a hog dog and a cow (catching) dog. They were bred for performance with no emphasis on looks or conformation. As a result, the breed is variable as to type, though (ideally) never as to skill and temperament. The American Staffordshire Terrier is the same breed and bred ONLY for looks and conformation with no emphasis on the attributes sought by those who fight dogs. We might reasonably argue then, that the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, The American Staffordshire Terrier, and the American Pit Bull Terrier are all intrinsically the same breed. I’ve owned all three breeds and have done a lot of research back in the day. Just for the record, I neither fight dogs nor support dog-fighting…I’ve just got a keen interest in ‘performance dogs’ rather than ‘show dogs’ I’ve also kept AGA racing greyhounds ( not to be confused with the AKC ‘show dog’ counterpart)
    as well as working Border Collies from multi-generational sheep-tending stock.
    The Bull Terrier arose as an attempt to create a ‘gentlemans’ pit dog’ to separate the dandies from those with the Half&Halfs ( Staffy Bulls).
    As a pit-fighting dog, the Bull Terrier was an abysmal failure…no competition for the Half&Halfs. The breed remains because people like it anyway…but you’ll never see one in a pit,they’re just not a good bet. Many different breeds of dog are used in pit-fighting world-wide, the Tosa in Japan, the Chen-Do in Korea, the list goes on. These are also ‘recognized breeds’ of fighting dog.
    Part of the confusion may be due to crossbreeding Pit Bulls with Mastiffs and other breeds in an effort to ‘build a better mousetrap’. Nevertheless, when
    competing in the pit, the best bet is always on the purebred.
    Author Richard Stratton is probably the best source I can cite. His books are also from ‘back in the day’…his data is still accurate.
    I’m gonna stick with my original statement: The notion that the ‘Pit Bull is not a recognized breed’ is laughable. Dr. Polski may not recognize the breed, but there’s a great many breeders etc that would laugh right along with me.
    Keep up the good work, BP 🙂

  21. Andrew Says:

    Great comments,
    How many deaths from hogs worldwide? (wild, domestic, feral)
    Anyone know?

  22. Andrew Joseph Says:

    Can you provide some of the sources where the numbers came from for the “Average number of deaths per year in the US?” Thanks

  23. The Threat of Terrorism « richardjacksonterrorismblog Says:

    […] Animals such as deer, kangaroos, reindeer, crocodiles, hippos, snakes and other wild animals – admittedly, most of these deaths are not caused directly by the animal, but due to the road accidents they cause. In Australia, a kangaroo killed a man in 1936, which is one more person than terrorists have killed on Australian soil. The same applies to reindeer accidents in Scandinavia. In the UK, people are killed by cows on a fairly regular basis. Of course, we are not including the deaths caused by domestic pets, especially dangerous dog breeds. […]

  24. doug Says:

    What was the last documenbted death by wolf? I find 0.1 very high.


    • Rick Says:

      Hey Doug 🙂 0.1 is high? Well, first let’s define our parameters:
      If we’re talking ‘world-wide’, the numbers are much higher
      It’s worth remembering too that ‘attack’ in this instance actually has a dedicated narrow and specific definition. Well worth looking at.
      Without having done more than a couple of minutes worth of Googling, I have provided links to human deaths by wolf as recently as 2010.Healthy ( non-rabid) wolves generally do not
      attack humans. When attacks occur, there are frequently mitigating factors: Habituation, food defense…the list goes on. Let’s not forget starvation. An otherwise healthy wolf or wolves that’s missed too many meals tends to not react in terms of ‘It’s MAN…RUN AWAY’
      Rather, they may tend to react more in terms of:
      ‘Look…100+ pounds of meat…Lets eat!’ Can’t blame ’em, I s’pose.
      It’s easy enough to say that there have been so few wolf attacks on humans in recent times. Wolves were systematically eradicated to the ragged edge of extinction during the last century by ranchers who got tired of their livestock being killed. It would indeed be hard to document wolf attacks when the wolves are nearly all gone.
      Today, there are re-introduction programs, as well as the continuing human encroachment into wolf habitat. That being so,
      higher numbers of wolf attacks on humans are likely on the way.
      Carry pepper spray 😉

      • Jenny Says:

        I can’t blame the farmers! They just were trying to protect their money and by doing that, putting food in their childrens’ bellies! I’d do the same!!

  25. Russell Godfrey Says:

    The Deer is the number one animal (humans not included) for human fatalities in the US, killing 145 in the past year.

  26. Sheri Says:

    Why did you bury the 20 Horse deaths , the rest of the list is in order …hmm are you a horse lover ?

  27. Will Says:

    We love animals,,,,wild animals that is….we don’t have pets…most child deaths by dog attacks would not happen. My wife and I had “Kids”, not pets….We did not have be concerned about animal instinces, survival, alphas, etc. There is an over-population of “pets” in the USA and around the world…..Ferile dogs and cats are becoming epidemic…..I know……because we get stray dogs wanting to take up residence on our back or front porch at least one a month…..They are skinny, dirty, full of ticks, and have no collars….. Why is it that so so many humans have to have dogs???
    We have pets; squirels, rabbits, racoons, deer, birds. We don’t have to register them, feed them, get them shots because some says they “Need” shots…Wild animals don’t “Need” shots….They do or do not get “Distemper”, “Worms”, or what have you that vets concock in order to make money.. We no-longer stay at motels…”Pet Friendly”…. If I want to sleep with animals I’ll go camp in the woods….. What is wrong with we Human beings??

    • Jenny Says:

      ’cause dogs rock!! If you love your dog you’ll spend the extra dime to keep him/her healthy

      • Paige Says:

        I SO agree with you Will! I just don’t understand the overwhelming need to make wild animals our pets. And to all the people who cite wild animal attacks to support their claims that the bully dog breeds aren’t dangerous, there are reasons it is illegal to keep certain animals as pets! Bears only kill about 1 person per year in the United States, but that doesn’t make them good candidates for house pets! The FACT is that while the bully breeds make up less than 5% of breeds owned in the US, they make up 97% of the breeds responsible for the dog deaths. That’s a pretty convincing statistic in favor of banning those breeds! All that being said, I am not in favor of killing dogs (or any animal) just because of its breed, but a natural extinction due to a ban on breeding, along with the mandatory spay/neutering of those breeds is not an unreasonable requirement.

    • Mistylee Says:

      Why keep pets?? Let’s see because some animals ARE domesticated which means they NEED us. Just like those sickly dogs and cats you mentioned. It’s our fault they are dependent on us, we owe them. Also, the science is clear: living with cats and/or dogs is good for us. Children who have a dog or cat score significantly higher in self esteem tests. They have less allergies. Adults with pets have less heart disease, depression, hypertenstion just to name a few. I really dont see the down-side. They need us, and they help us. Win/win.

  28. Why Some People are Afraid of Sharks « Fish Frontier Says:

    […] “The USS Indianapolis was sank in WWII and the survivors were picked off one by one over the next four days by Oceanic White Tip sharks in the open ocean. Of the 900 sailors in the ocean all but 317 were killed.”(A story that was told in Jaws). ( […]

  29. lmao Says:

    lol thanks this wasnt helpful!! I was hoping for “Every year how many people die from animal attacks” and “How many get ingured from them”. Also alot of this information is incorrect. I will hae to change my research subject. Thank you very much -_-

  30. Rebecca Says:

    Actually, if you get your facts straight, that 2 year old girl was not strangled (and she most certainly was not eaten, GMAFB) she was crushed. There were no snake bites on her body. A large constrictor does not constrict prey without biting it, so how do we explain this??

    • CDHamilton Says:

      The autopsy photos clearly showed bite marks to her face. The snake held her face in its’ mouth, for whatever intention, but released her.
      Also, the “cage” was an aquarium with a quilt thrown over the top. Ingenious.

    • CDHamilton Says:

      The autopsy photos clearly showed bite marks to her face. The snake held her face in its’ mouth, for whatever intention, but released her.
      Also, the “cage” was an aquarium with a quilt thrown over the top. Ingenious.…

  31. nigel Says:

    Interesting statistics. Why didn’t you include the numbers of people gored by deer. I believe it exceeds the number of people killed by cougars — I’ve certaintly heard more stories of people gored by deer than those attacked by cougars. Mostly it is pet deer that kill their owner.

  32. J. Palmer Says:

    Huh, so up 50x more people a year are killed by wild animals than terrorist attacks in the US, that is truly terrifying. People should take steps to protect themselves, a massive cull using the military is a viable option. Hunt them down and kill them in their caves, use jets, tanks, sats, infrared, other animals like dogs to point them out and track them. Of course after they are all dead, and we lock up the survivors in zoos, we will have to kill all the dogs, because they are also a threat, just look at that little old beagle over there, he could snap at any time, get up out of his doggy wheelchair and kill any one of us. Ohh I see a deer looking nervous and shifty, I know its up to something, good thing there is a hotline to call if I see anything suspicious, and when the law shows up and it runs…..obvious guilt! ROFL, Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium.

    • Nigel Says:

      “People should take steps to protect themselves, a massive cull using the military is a viable option. Hunt them down and kill them in their caves, use jets, tanks, sats, infrared, other animals like dogs to point them out and track them.”

      But in fact wild animals are the least deadly. Dogs, horses, and cows kill more people than wild animals (not counting auto-accidents with deer and moose).

      But auto-accidences between people greatly exceed anything that nature can throw at us.

      But of course the number one cause of death is age so we really ought to create a national strategy to defeat that monster. lol

    • Jenny Says:

      Please, that is really melodramatic, I love animals. If someone reads that and thinks your being serious, look out bunny rabbits!!!

  33. Shawn edwards Says:

    You learn something new every day

  34. Oh noes!! America…IN DANGER!!!! « Acts Of The Apostasy Says:

    […] that there are no recorded fatalities from their bites, while another site reported that there are 6.5 deaths per year in the US from spider bites (as of 2008), and that includes the Black Widow. One is poisonous and deadly, […]

  35. hobby Says:

    Great Blog ! I d like it !! Congratulations

  36. hobby Says:

    The next time I read a blog, Hopefully it won’t disappoint me as much as this particular one. After all, Yes, it was my choice to read through, nonetheless I really believed you would probably have something useful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something you can fix if you were not too busy looking for attention.

  37. Travis Says:

    In relation to America- Total number of…

    Human deaths caused by animals: 124.35
    Animal deaths caused by humans: 62 Billion

    Just to show the numbers side by side…

    62,000,000,000 (I may have forgotten some 0’s)

    This is modern genocide, people need to learn.

  38. Jenny Says:

    I liked the report, but after doing research and reading all the comments, I decided not to use the information on here, sorry.

  39. Gun carrying man ends stabbing spree at Salt Lake grocery store - Page 3 Says:

    […] increasing every year due to the aggressive African honey bee that is taking over in Texas."…ed-by-animals/ Compared to…factsheet.html Facts… The troll bane […]

  40. pets Says:

    When I initially commented I seem to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on whenever a comment is added I recieve four emails with the exact same comment. There has to be a means you can remove me from that service? Many thanks!

  41. Anaconda Reptiles Molenstraat 44 2550 Kontich de reptielen winkel voor u Says:

    Anaconda Reptiles Molenstraat 44 2550 Kontich de reptielen winkel voor u…

    […]Human deaths in the U.S. caused by Animals « History Lists[…]…

  42. Felicia Luburich Says:

    People will never learn; they are only randomly bred; not selectively. Therefore individuals & fanilies go on producing inferior & dangerous people.I still have copies of the magazine :Bloodlines. It featured Pit Bulls, Toy Fox Terriers & perhaps a small number of other non AKC breeds (then) such as Rat Terriers. In the US most purebreds are produced by puppy mills & backyard breeders who don’t know or care that they put out VERY POOR quality in terms of structure, coat, movement, breed type, working ability, color, temperament, etc..Most breeds were originated to do a JOB & the written description concerning them ( the Standard) is like the blueprint for a machine or architecture. Dog shows ( when judged properly) choose the dogs most epitomizing the Standard. Knowing this & bloodlines serious BREEDERS can develope & maintain a breed of very high standards. In Germany mandatory quality control allows very high quality produce, & not only in dogs. Substandard individuals can not have their pups registered. Rules include type, health & working ability. ONE missing tooth Disqualifies for showing & breeding except in Schutzhund, which is protection, tracking & obedience. I can trace my dogs back to 1902 in German Zucht, Kor & Leistung Buchs. There are working scores, breeding tests, descriptions of who passed breeding approval, & those that failed;health checks, name & reg. No of ALL born, etc.. This plus taking part in club activities & advise from Breed Wardens ; setting the price of stud fees & puppies enable all caring for the breed to have a good experience with their dog & be a breeder for the good ofr the breed. Too many people buy breeds for which they are not suited & from VERY bad sources. PBs were bred to BITE & KILL; but NOT people. However, in the hands of the wrong people (mostly) who are producers & NOT breeders, dogs of unsuitable temperament are bred & dangerous dogs result. Americans are HIGHLY unsophisticated in general & particulaly about dogs. If they STOPPED buying from pet shops, puppy mills & private sources who are totally unqualified for the title of BREEDER, most of the dog problems would disappear. I once had two lawyers send me a photo of their dog as a possible stud for one of my females. The dog was sitting & had a pair of REINDEER antlers on it;s head. WHAT A RECOMMENDATION !! If they had a daughter would such a get up make them want to have him as a son in law? MAYBE!!
    WILD animal belong in the wild, a preserve or a really good zoo; not in people’s homes. Not every dog is a pet. Mine are for protection & companionship but are not “PETS”. They have a function. Yes, I love them. Yes, they are programmed to consider me the pack leader & are loyal & affectionate. Police are after the fact & are no protection 99.99% of the time. If you put youself in harms way you can only blame yourself for bad happenings. Most “accidents” are due to bad judgement. The average IQ in the US is 100 & most people do not make any effort to educate themselves before diving into some type of activity. Once a man called asking to buy a dog for Schutzhund, NEVER having seen ANY SchH trial whatsoever. DUH!! The big thing with PBs is they don’t just bite: they ATTACK & grind & grind & so do tremendous damage ( chewed a mans feet causing them to be amputated in 2012. They were running loose) & KILL : a woman owner in Camden, NJ in 2011. Pedigrees tell you MUCH about a dog & the one offering it to you. But you must research & go to dog shows & see the breed & learn how to evaluate them in breed & obedience competition & in hunting trials, sheep herding trials, SchH trials, etc.. You can learn if you apply yourself as to who is really bringing correct dogs of good temperament & working ability into this world. A truely high quality dog is something most people can afford, compared to high quality houses, cars, clothes, jewels, etc.. & they are by far a better choice than most purchases. Last note: Dogs give us their everything & we give them the time & love we can spare.

  43. Nathan Says:

    How many ppl have turtles killed?

  44. SPJ Says:

    Pit bull was the first breed recognized the UKC.. Why are yu saying its not a recognized breed?

  45. Quora Says:

    Are you more likely to be killed by a deer attack or to be killed by a wolf attack?…

    In North America, and particularly in the continental US you’re vastly more likely to die under the hooves and antlers of a deer than as a result of a wolf’s dentition. Simply by virtue of prevalence alone human/deer encounters are more than an order…

  46. TMac jones Says:

    How does the consumption of pork effect the genetic make up of a person or a people?

  47. kranecu Says:

    cows cause 20 deaths per year in the u.s. alone.

  48. Can I die from getting stung by a bee, wasp or hornet? | Bees, Wasps, and Hornets – Toronto Says:

    […] Approximately 50 people in the U.S. are killed by bee stings or wasp stings each year. The likelihood of death increases with the number of stings sustained, though for a normal person with no severe reaction, it would take over a thousand stings to inject enough venom to kill. Usually it’s the swelling or other defensive reactions your body takes against the sting that are deadly. So any number of stings can be lethal if left untreated. […]

  49. Shark finning and keystone species « Advanced Environmental Science Says:

    […] [3] “Human deaths in the U.S. caused by Animals;” History Lists. Web. <; […]

  50. Joie Gronstal Says:

    Bee stings can be quite painful and i always stay away from bees whenever possible. –

    Find out more about our personal blog site as well

  51. ston3pony Says:

    Where are deer on that list? The last I read, deer attack and kill about 3 people every year. Far more than mountain lions.

    • Breanna Says:

      Compare that number to 58 BILLION animal deaths caused by HUMANS each year! It’s ridiculous how ignorant so many people are to that fact. And people go on here acting like a few hundred people’s deaths is going to make us extinct! Think of the big picture people! We’re not the only living things on this earth.

  52. Mike Says:

    Ban animals!

  53. Tom Jones Says:

    How can the figures be accurate if Pit Bulls are not considered a dog for purposes of these statistics? What other dogs are not considered dogs for the purpose of these statistics?

    • Rick Says:

      Hey Tom 🙂
      I think what is meant is that the widespread public confusion on what constitutes a ‘Pit Bull’ results in a variety of separate breeds being named as ‘Pit Bull’. If that is the case, then the number of attacks attributed to the ‘Pit Bull’ will be inaccurately inflated. (That’s the short answer, Tom )If you want more elaboration…read on 😉 Dr Polsky gives much of the same breed identification as I have earlier and yet still winds up with the bottom line that says that there is no Pit Bull per se. The breed that originated the current name ‘Pit Bull’ is the ‘American Pit Bull Terrier’ ( ‘Pit Bull’ for short)
      This one single breed can be found triple-registered under three different dog registeries and under two different names: ‘American Pit Bull Terrier’ with the UKC and the ADBA and under ‘American Staffordshire Terrier’ with the AKC….they are all three the same breed. The White Bull Terrier has been erroneously called ‘Pit Bull’.
      It’s an entirely different breed. The Staffordshire Bull terrier is in fact the original ‘Half and Half’ ( Bull and terrier ) that was used as a fighting dog back in the day. Today the ‘Staffy Bull’ is a show dog and pet…no longer a dogfighter’s choice. The Staffy Bull is also registered with the AKC as a breed separate from the AKC version of the American Pit Bull Terrier, the ‘American Staffordshire Terrier’.
      Once again, let me go on record that I neither indulge in nor support the sport of dogfighting…Nevertheless, I am quite well informed on what it is, what it isn’t and what breed of dog is used
      in the sport by serious dog-fighting people.( As opposed to what some know-nothing street-corner types might be doing).
      Dog-fighting on a ‘professional'(sic) level is done using American Pit Bull Terriers, ‘Pit Bulls’ and no other breed…there can be no confusion there. However, in the public eye many different breeds have been
      inaccurately referenced as ‘Pit Bull’ such as American Bulldog, Cane Corso, Presa Canaria, Dogo Argentina…the list goes on.
      That being so, with no more I.D. than the appellation ‘Pit Bull’
      being used, it is impossible to quote accurate bite/attack statistics..

  54. .... Says:

    do u guys believe these mystery attacks are cause by people who live upond us but are dead …vampires ??

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  56. Romeo Dufour Says:

    A bee sting is very painful. To give you a sting a bee loses its life. It leaves a venomous sac which has to be withdrawn immediately. These stings can be fatal if proper measures are not taken. It is known that due to bee stings many people have lost their lives. Swelling, itching and constant pain is what you suffer due to the sting. There are allergic reactions too which can take people’s life.,

    Most recent short article from our own web site

    • Beekeekper Says:

      Nonsense. Unless someone has a specific allergy to bees, the stings aren’t particularly dangerous, and don’t hurt very much. Some arthritis sufferers even use honeybees to intentional sting themselves to relieve the pain of swollen joints. Most people can receive up 10 honeybee stings per pound of flesh without the risk of death. For a 150-pound person, that’s 1500 stings. And unlike wasps, bees aren’t very aggressive–they rarely sting, and when they do, it’s usually an isolated occurance. As a beekeeper who works his hives with bare hands, I’ve never received more than 2 stings at once, and that was because I accidentally killed some bees by dropping box full. Our native bumble bees, carpenter bees, mason bees and leafcutters are even less aggressive–the carpenter bees that make a show of aggression don’t even have stingers.

      Deaths that do occur are usually in people who have allergies, and then it’s usually from wasps, which have a different venom from bees and are very aggressive.

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  59. Violent Wolf Attacks Leading Cause of Death in USA- - Animals, natural world, earth, life - City-Data Forum Says:

    […] I've heard of only one human death from wolf attack in the U.S. in this century. Check out this url. Now, they rightly pointed out in this info that the most dangerous animals are humans, but of course they were excluded from the list. Human deaths in the U.S. caused by Animals | History Lists […]

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  61. Gun nuttery gone lethal....again - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Says:

    […] a 2-Year-Old Girl Is Marketed for Kids | Mother Jones Bee stings and peanut allergies are worse Human deaths in the U.S. caused by Animals | History Lists Bee stings are the largest killer of humans in the U.S. directly caused by animals. An allergic […]

  62. Craig Says:

    How many Human deaths are caused from coming into contact with cats? (NOT FROM diseases) Vs How many people have died going to or coming back from Outer Space? (Number of people committed said act Vs number of people died committing said act = %)
    In short is it safer playing with a cat or going to the moon?

  63. rick Says:

    not sure if there is documented evidence of a python “eating” a human……….. BUT here is video of a python eating something AS BIG as an adult and WAY bigger than a child……. no doubt they can do it…

  64. rick Says:

    oops……. wrong video………. try this one ………..

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  66. samuel joseph Says:

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  68. Dangerous close calls while hunting. - Page 2 - Utah Wildlife Network Says:

    […] was so swollen that I couldn't bend it. Now I always carry an Epipen. FWIW, here are some stats:…ed-by-animals/ I say FWIW because the list doesn't include the animal that worries me most: a cow moose with […]

  69. Reptile Ocean Inc of New Brunswick Tragedy - Reptile Apartment Canada Says:

    […] to History Lists an average of 20 people a year are killed by […]

  70. Matthew King Says:

    Cows kill 20-some people a year, not including riding/roping. Ruins the whole list.

  71. Keshia Says:

    Recently on the news (KSL?), they said that 88% of bear attacks are NOT defensive – they’re hungry bears hunting.

  72. razvydeva Says:

    I know this is an old post but i just want to say something about dog attacks.I understand and I m aware of Pit Bulls but a Husky is right after a Rottweiler?How is this possible?Maybe they kill their
    owners in Alaska where this dogs are used in various scenarios helping their owners?

  73. Nikki Says:

    Get your facts straight…pit bull type dogs do not account for the largest killer attacks on humans. They are not even the number one dog bite!!!

    • Mike Says:

      A 2009 report issued by shows that 19 dog breeds contributed to 88 deaths in the 3-year period of 2006 to 2008. Pit bulls accounted for 59% followed by rottweilers with 14%. Of the 88 fatal dog attacks recorded by, pit bull type dogs were responsible for 59% (52).

  74. Dog Training Tips Says:

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  75. pengobatan kanker serviks Says:

    I love animals and they are never to blame for human deaths. Sometimes unavoidable accidents occur, and sometimes unaware people put themselves in danger.

  76. chapineldora Says:

    How about the moose?

  77. What kills more people...horses or snowmobiles? - Page 3 - - Arctic Cat Forum Says:

    […] Old thread are good………. And, I find this hard to swallow, but it does state 20 people on average die a year from horse's. BUT, I dont buy it, because you find the same stat for Australia……and can verify it anywhere. "This is a bit of a different category because the animals usually do not intend to cause injury or death. Rodeo, equestrian, and bull riding deaths occur infrequently related to how many people are exposed to these animals, but they do happen. An average of 20 people per year are killed in horse related accidents, and 3 people are killed by Bulls." Human deaths in the U.S. caused by Animals | History Lists […]

  78. Courtney Johnson Says:

    How are there .5 deaths?? One person who was killed is 1 so how is there half of one person recored as a death?

  79. Matt Myers Says:

    You are wrong about wolf deaths. There was a school teacher in an Alaskan village killed last year or the year before.

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  82. ListsMania Says:

    Deaths caused by Sharks is more than 20 a year only in United States and how you can say its just 1 ?

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  84. William Says:

    Um, how can sharks kill only one person per year when they killed 583 in 1945?

  85. Breanna Says:

    Pathetic. And everyone acts likes humans are going extinct. 58 BILLION animals animals are killed by HUMANS every year! Now compare that number to a few hundred idiot people who decide to bother animals and just HAPPEN to get attacked. AWW! Poor humans! Lol. I hate these articles like this,

  86. Patrick Says:

    Sharks do not “hunt” humans

  87. Aaron Says:

    Alligator attacks have increased in recent years because the alligator population has exploded and environmentalists fight them being removed as a protected species. Some experts have suggested that the alligator population in Florida needs to be culled by more than 40%. In other words, it is the alligators encroaching on human habitat that is the propblem. So get your facts straight.

  88. 4 Reasons to Love Snakes | Gloria Deus Says:

    […] who doesn’t know what they’re doing tries to handle a wild snake. More links here, here, and here, if you still don’t believe me.  Basically, don’t mess with venomous snakes […]

  89. Angry Bees on the Rise while their numbers R drastically dimishing | Arlington TX Barnett Shale Blogger Says:

    […] seeing a lot of attacks and one day will be able to pull a report pre drilling to post drilling …hard to understand if technology reporting this makes the illusion of an […]

  90. Jay Says:

    I am 43 yr olds and personally know of 7 accounts of dog related fatalities in my lifetime. 1 was a Irish Setter, 1 a Chow the other 5 Pit Bull. The oldest victim was 16. Most were Toddlers. Including my next door neighbor when i was growing up. I was nearly killed by a dog. One of my daughters was mauled by one. I bet everyone who has left a comment on here knows of at least one dog related death or serious attack. You can’t own a 75 Lbs cat without a permit but everytime you turn around you see large dogs most people have no business owning. As for the nurture over nature comment I read earlier, my ex wife had a friend who felt the same way about their pit bull. Until they buried their 3yr. Old daughter. At least most people who own exotic pets keep them in doors and away from the public. I have personally never known anyone killed by a snake, spider, bear, wolf, cougar, deer, scorpion, mosquito, horse or centipede. The fact that “man’s best friend” ranks #2 on the list should be the statisitc that raises all you dog lover’s eyebrow.

  91. Mike Riter Says:

    Can I quote your numbers in an article I’m writing for the Poughkeepsie Journal?

  92. Mike Riter Says:

    I will credit you–what’s B. P. stand for?

  93. Wes Says:

    Poisoning and to invenomate are completely different. Learn basic biology before you speak of it..

  94. Lion Tales : Grey Wolves Says:

    […] Bee/Wasp-53 […]

  95. Sharks Vs Humans - Who Really Kills Who? - Brilliant Maps Says:

    […] Dogs kill around 30 people per year in the US. […]

  96. Horses are More Dangerous Than ISIS | It Rings Here Says:

    […] really, they are; and so are doggies, and especially bees and wasps. Moreover, this list doesn’t include mosquitoes and other disease vectors, which would put them way at the […]

  97. What If One Out of Ten Thousand Is a Terrorist? | The Mind of a Mindless Man Trying to Make Sense of a Mindless World Says:

    […] spiders, and centipedes have killed more people than refugees and are bigger problems and have the numbers to back that up. I have no idea why the focus is on refugees, no, no, wait, yes, I know, it’s about Muslims, […]

  98. A Self Dialectic: Muslim Terrorists Are / Are Not Motivated Primarily by Islam – Glen Olives blog Says:

    […] 19 Americans were killed in terror attacks in 2013, compared to 10,000 by drunk drivers, 53 by bees, and 23 by lightning strikes. From September 11, 2001 through 2013, a total of 3,380 Americans have […]

  99. Says:

    Human deaths in the U.S. caused by Animals | History Lists

  100. Jay Dumond Says:

    I’m not sure where you get your info from but NO, 6.5 people DO NOT die from black widow and and ANY OTHER spider bite a year. In FACT, it’s been nearly 20 years since a single person has died from a widow. Any TRUE expert can tell you the number of fatal spider bites since the beginning of the 20th century WORLDWIDE IS WELL UNDER A 100! In fact the number of deaths directly due to the bite is somewhere between 5 to 20 max. Almost all deaths from spider bites occur do to a pre-existing condition, infection to the bite area, or to an allergic reaction. Even the worlds most dangerous species ( Brazilian wandering, aka banana spider ) has only killed 10 people in Brazilian history. The most dangerous spider you have ever heard of has only EVER killed 1 to 5 people, if it even has at all! 6 people worldwide don’t die from spider bites let along just in the U.S.

  101. What Caused The Mass Animal Deaths | Tiriya2 Says:

    […] Human deaths in the U.S. caused by Animals | History Lists – May 29, 2008  · 139 Responses to “Human deaths in the U.S. caused by Animals … Came accross this site while checking on the Mass. Bobcat … Animal deaths caused … […]

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